Organizations regularly target high levels of employee engagement. Among other positive outcomes, high levels of employee engagement can translate into higher productivity, lower turnover, fewer safety incidents, lower absenteeism, higher profitability, and better customer ratings. The following 2018 statistics are meant to awaken or reawaken awareness of the alarmingly low rate of engagement levels within companies, as well as provide insight on what can be done to help organizations benefit from high employee engagement.

1. 15% of employees worldwide are engaged in their jobs. (Gallup poll)

2. 42% of employees say learning and development is the most important benefit when deciding where to work. (Udemy)

3. Offering career training and development would keep 86% of millennials  from leaving their current position. (Bridge)

4. Only 15% of adults said they wouldn’t leave their current job for any reason. (Yoh)

5. 83% of workers participating in a mentoring program admitted that their experience positively influenced their desire to stay at their organization. (River)


See next week’s “Workfact Wednesday” post for the other 5 statistics.