• People who don’t take office politics seriously are more successful and efficient at work.
  • Employees who have more control over the layout and design of their workspace are healthier and happier in the office.
  • When office temperatures are low (68 degrees), employees make 44% more errors and are less productive than when temperatures are warmer (77 degrees).
  • Scientists note that employees should keep working until the age of 80, but that they should only work 25 hours a week for optimal productivity
  • Procrastinating a project for work can increase focus and efficiency.
  • Multitasking on the job can actually slow you down.
  • Multitasking at work can drop a person’s IQ by ten points, which is equivalent to losing a night of sleep and twice the effect of smoking marijuana.
  • Around the world, the workweek usually falls between 40 “44 hours per week, but not everywhere. France’s workweek average is around 35 hours per week, while in North Korea, those in labor camps work over 112 hours per week.
  • Early hunter-gatherers had more leisure time than those who live and work in a modern capitalist or agrarian society.
  • The Industrial Revolution allowed people to work longer and year-round, because abor was no longer tied to the season or natural lighting.
  • The word “work” is from the Proto-Indo-European word *werg, meaning “to do.”
  • The word “employ” is from the Latin implicare, meaning to “enfold, involve, associate.
  • The word “boss” is from the Dutch baas, meaning “a master.”
  • Over a lifetime, the average person spends about 90,000 hours at work.
  • Before the age of 40, Americans hold between seven to eight different jobs.
  • Every year, the average American spends over 100 hours commuting.