WORKFACT WEDNESDAY: 8 Truths About Workplace Productivity That Change Everything

{by Steven Lerner,}   If you’re reading this article during work, then you are probably contributing to your job’s workplace productivity deficiency.  It is estimated that U.S. employers lose $1.8 trillion annually due to productivity issues. But recognizing, and making seemingly small changes such as the following can add up to major time savers. […]

TIP TUESDAY: 40 Common Time Wasting Activities & How to Resolve Them

{from Business Know-How online} Start Managing Your Time Now Don’t wait another day to start solving your time management problem. The longer you wait, the further behind you’ll fall behind; the further you fall behind, the more stressful your situation will become. Here are 40 time-wasting activities common to most employees; how many do you […]