WORKFACT WEDNESDAY: 8 Truths About Workplace Productivity That Change Everything

{by Steven Lerner,}   If you’re reading this article during work, then you are probably contributing to your job’s workplace productivity deficiency.  It is estimated that U.S. employers lose $1.8 trillion annually due to productivity issues. But recognizing, and making seemingly small changes such as the following can add up to major time savers. […]

TIP TUESDAY: 40 Common Time Wasting Activities & How to Resolve Them

{from Business Know-How online} Start Managing Your Time Now Don’t wait another day to start solving your time management problem. The longer you wait, the further behind you’ll fall behind; the further you fall behind, the more stressful your situation will become. Here are 40 time-wasting activities common to most employees; how many do you […]

TIP TUESDAY: 15 Customer Service Tips That Win Sales

{Excerpted from business} These customer service tips will help you impress your customers and clients and as a result, lead to more sales, more repeat business and more customer referrals. Know your product. You can’t provide good service to your customers if you don’t know your product. Customers expect you to be an expert […]

WEDNESDAY WORKFACT: 5 Big Benefits Trends Going into 2018

by Stephen Miller, CEBS for SHRM Online From the failed effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, or ACA, to concern that tax reform will alter key employee benefits, what happened in the nation’s capital  commanded much attention this year. But so, too, did the private sector, which provided benefits to meet a wider range […]